The Story of the 102nd Canadian Infantry Battalion
From BC to Baisieux by Sgt Leonard McLeod Gould HQ 102nd Canadians WW1
"At 8.30 p.m. on the evening of Sept. 1st (1918) the Battalion fell in and marched off to the First Assembly Point in Vis-en-Artois - (in the direction of Cambrai France). It was a bright starlight night, and the roads were packed with traffic of all kinds. Enemy planes were very active, and on the way we were held up by a blazing ammunition lorry which had been fired by a bomb and was shooting off the contents of its dangerous load in every direction. The approach to our Assembly Point was difficult in the extreme, lying on the other side of a rolling expanse which was thickly fenced with our own barbed wire; in the starlight it was difficult to keep to the winding trails which led through the barriers, and the whole surface of the ground was deeply furrowed with disused trenches. By 1.00 o'clock the following morning, however, we reached cur destination, an extensive sand-pit which afforded excellent cover from the shells which began to drop around us immediately on our arrival. Here we slept until gas shells falling in our midst at 4.45 a.m. compelled our unwilling arousal and the furtive fingering of the ever-objectionable gas mask. It was a chilly dawn, and we were heartily thankful for the tot of rum which was served out just as the barrage broke out at 5.00 am., the signal for the First Canadian Division to "go over." Directly in front of the 11th Brigade was the 12th, to whom had been allotted the task of actually breaking through the main line of defence; behind the 12th Brigade, on our own immediate front, was the 87th Bn., who were to pass through the former east of the Drocourt-Queant Line, and through whom we were to leap-frog after they had captured Ecourt St. Quentin, our own objective, being first laid down as Oisy-le-Verger, on the east bank of the Canal du Nord, though this programme was subsequently modified. The barrage was extraordinarily intense, and one hour after its commencement we moved forward, maintaining a distance of 1,000 yards from the 87th Bn. Within half-an-hour we passed into a zone of continuous barrage fire put over by the Hun to catch the supporting units. The terrain in this district is undulating, and the descending slopes were pitilessly swept by a hail of shell and machine gun fire, causing comparatively heavy casualties. It was at this point that Major J. F. Gary, M.C., fell mortally wounded by a shell; another claimed six of the Headquarters batmen and cooks, killing one outright, fatally wounding a second and seriously wounding the remaining four. " Major Frank Gary native of the United States of America - Canadian Infantry 102nd Inf Bn CEF
Civilian trade - Electrician
Born in the USA
Died in France - 2 Sep 1918
Significant Dates
03-Sep-15 Joins up in Victoria - Willows Camp - wife lives in Sioux City IOWA
23-Sep-15 Discharged - to be an officer Trained in Comox BC
01-Jan-16 Musketry Instructor
01-Apr-16 Sails from Halifax Nova Scotia on board Olympic - sister ship of Titanic
26-Apr-16 Bramshott UK Signals course 29-Apr-16 $97 Month / Pay
01-May-16 Shorncliffe Musketry course
04-May-16 att to 44th Bn 23-May-16 $111 Month / Pay
12-Jun-16 back from light Machine Gun Course
13-Aug-16 Overseas with the 67th Pioneer Bn
14-Aug-16 Lands at Le Havre
19-Jan-17 Acting Major - London gazette 30085 22 May 1917 (see image Gary 1)
01-Feb-17 $147 Month / Pay 10-Feb-17
28-Apr-17 Substantive Capt
01-May-17 SOS to 102nd Bn on 4th Div re-org of pioneers
17-May-17 Light Machine Gun Course
24-Aug-17 Leave in Paris
30-Aug-17 Back from Paris
01-Oct-17 $186 Month / Pay
2- Oct-17 mentioned in London Gazette 29936 page 1442 (Click image )
09-Apr-18 temp Maj
28-Jun-18 Leave in Paris
10-Jul-18 Sr Offr Crse Aldershot
09-Aug-18 Departs Aldershot
19-Aug-18 2nd C. O. R. D. believe Canadian Overseas Reinforcement Depot
23-Aug-18 departs for 102nd Bn
30-Aug-18 Back from Paris
02-Sep-18 Admitted to No 7 Casualty Clearing Station - Dies from German Arty Shrapnel
16-Sep-18 Bar to MC London Gazette 30901 16 9 18 (Images Gary 3a and Gary
3b) Probably the raid of April 1918
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19-Feb-21 Memorial scroll sent to widow - Gladys in Lankershim California c/o JF Kegley
23-Dec-21 Dead Man`s Penney sent to widow - Gladys in Lankershim California c/o JF Kegley
Today he rests in France at LIGNY-ST. FLOCHEL BRITISH CEM, LIGNY-ST. FLOCHEL BRITISH CEM, AVERDOINGT is 60 miles from Calais
"SOMME, 1916", "Ancre Heights", "Ancre, 1916", "ARRAS, 1917, 18", "VIMY, 1917", "Hill 70", ", 1917", "PASSCHENDAELE", "AMIENS", "Scarpe, 1918", "Drocourt-Queant", "HINDENBURG LINE", "CANAL du NORD", "VALENCIENNES", "France and Flanders, 1916-18".
Be sure and visit the 102nd Battalion`s Sister Unit - the 54th Kootenay Battalion
Visit the 21st Battalion from Eastern Ontario